What is tip.cc
Tip.cc is how Slingers send and receive “tips” in the SlingShot Discord server.
You get a safe, free Tip.cc “wallet” when you join the SSD Discord. Fill this wallet by depositing SLING to it from a Metamask wallet, or receive SLING from others in Discord. You can also withdraw your SLING at any time.
Learn all the steps below…
DEPOSIT SLING to Tip.cc from a Metamask wallet. Learn how to deposit
or RECEIVE SLING from others in Discord. Learn how to get SLING
Useful Tip.cc commands
$deposit sling
Initiate transfer of SLING from Metamask to Tip.cc
$balance sling
Display the current SLING balance in Tip.cc
Display the balance of all assets in Tip.cc
$tip @user amount currency
Initiate the transfer of the designated amount of SLING from your Tip.cc wallet to the user or users you identify. For example: $tip @myDiscordFriend 10 sling